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National Cemetary of the Pacific Marker Dedication

USS Minneapolis Marker in Punchbowl

Invocation Plaque Dedication USS Minneapolis (CA-36)

Gene P Theriot, Captain, Chaplain Corps, U.S. Navy

"Gracious God of all Sailors, ships and the seas, we come before You this morning to dedicate this memorial plaque to the memory. not only of a sleek powerful ship, but also to the memory of the dedicated sailors who fought on her gallantly and made her name legendary.

Thank You, O Lord, for memorials like this. They are for us a window to times long ago and places far away. Few today could located on a map, the Coral Sea, Guadalcanal, Tassafaronga or Okinawa. Unfortunately, fewer still could tell what happened there. But, they need to know that in those places and others, brave men fought on this ship in a life and death struggle against a determined enemy in order that we today may enjoy the blessings of freedom. May all who come to this place in Your future, read this plaque and be reminded of the bravery and patriotism of all Minneapolis crewmen, especially the forty-five who gave their lives in combat.

We offer this prayer in Your holy and wonderful name, amen."


Plaque Dedication Presentation USS Minneapolis (CA-36)

Manuel Filreis, President, USS Minneapolis (CA-36) Association

"We are gathered here today to dedicate this memorial monument to the men who served and died on board the USS Minneapolis during World War II.

On December 7, 1941, the Minneapolis was on maneuvers outside of Pearl Harbor at the time of the attack and immediately received orders to join the carriers in pursuit of the Japanese fleet.

The Minnie, as she was affectionately referred to by the men, earned 17 battle stars from the first Battle of the Solomon Islands February 20, 1942, to the last at Okinawa April 12, 1945.

Sixty two ago this date, November 30, 1942, at the battle of Tassafaronga the Minnie was hit by two torpedoes, one knocking off the bow and the other striking three of the four firerooms. Thirty six men died and many more were injured.

Through the courage, skill and perserverance of the crew, the ship was kept afloat and was beached on Tulagi so repairs could be made to keep her afloat and get power restored. Coconut logs were purchased from the natives and were lashed in front of the forward bulkhead to form a bow. With the assistance of some small boats she was pulled off the beach and got underway.

The Minnie steamed into Pearl Harbor on March 2, 1943 where a temporary steel bow was installed and other repairs made so she could make it to Mare Island for extended repairs.

After a complete overhaul the Minnie arrived back in Pearl on Spetember 14, 1943 ready for action in time to join Task Force 15 for the assault on Wake Island. Most of the crew had been replaced and Captain Rosendahl was promoted and transferred to assume command of a lighter than air program.

The Minnie survived the rest of the war with many near misses and a few mishaps. She was dubbed the "Lucky Minnie".

With Admiral Kincaid on board and in command of the fleet she sailed into Inchon, Korea, to accept the surrender of the Japanese there. The Minnie made one more trip on Magic Carpet duty and then sailed to the east coast to be put in "mothballs" and ultimately scrapped."
The names of all the men who died on board during the war were read.

Taps was sounded by Brad Walker, Sgt. First Class, 25th Division Band.